There is over a billion people on earth who suffer from water insecurity. Just like it is difficult for students to study if they cannot see because they live in light poverty, they also cannot focus on their education is they are walking long distances to water which may also make them sick.

Water biologically contaminated with water born viruses and bacteria like cholera. Water can also be contaminated chemically with things like lead, mercury and arsenic.

It turns out that one of our Current Generation students who made lights has a life long friend who runs a not-for-profit that deals specifically with Water Insecurity to help students focus on their education in Kenya. It is called , “Just One Africa

We will NOT be making water filters that will be sent away. If a student makes a mistake with a light, it becomes quickly obvious because it will just not work. However, the stakes are much higher and a mistake will not be obvious until it is perhaps too late.

However, we can draw attention to the problem while we simultaneously embed it in our curriculum.

The Chem 11 curriculum will have a focus on the filter, solutes, heavy metals, neutralization and precipitation reactions in contaminated water. The Bio 11 curriculum will focus on the biological aspects of the filters. Since high schools are not equipped to deal with heavy metals and water born viruses, we are hoping to partner with the local universities. This SDG #6 will provide a context and motivation for their learning. We need something to increase their sense of agency.

SGD #6 around Clean Water and Sanitation is a serious issue globally, but it is also an issue locally. There are too many people living with contaminated drinking water in own country and province. Canada’s North and many of our indigenous communities are dealing with contaminated water with boil orders.